

Chief Investigator

MEINERS, Dr Klaus - Australian Antarctic Division


Integrated observations of Antarctic land-fast sea ice physical and biological processes during the spring transition

Project aims

Landfast sea ice (fast ice) is a key feature of the East Antarctic coastal zone. It is a sensitive indicator and modulator of Antarctic climate processes, and serves as a structuring component of Antarctic marine ecosystems. This multi-disciplinary project will improve the observational record for Antarctic fast ice physical, chemical and biological properties and processes. By combining over-winter measurements from automated observatories with in-situ sampling during a springtime process study, the project will provide a benchmark dataset of coupled sea ice physical-chemical-biological processes. The project promises a step-change in understanding the role of fast-ice physical processes in determining the onset of the spring ice-algae bloom, with a particular focus on snow-thickness effects on ice-algae bloom phenology. The data acquired will also be used to validate satellite remote sensing ice-thickness products and to evaluate sea-ice biogeochemical model parameterisations.

Project gallery

Project Summary of the Season 2019/20

Landfast sea ice (fast ice) is a key feature of the Antarctic coastal zone. It is a sensitive indicator and modulator of Antarctic climate processes, and serves as a structuring component of Antarctic marine ecosystems. This multi-disciplinary project is aimed at improving the observational record for Antarctic fast ice physical, chemical and biological properties and processes. By combining over-winter measurements from automated observatories with in-situ sampling during a springtime process study, the project will provide a benchmark dataset of coupled sea ice physical-chemical-biological processes. During the first project year, researchers participated in New Zealand-led fieldwork and tested deployment methods for novel under-ice sensors. These sensor-arrays will be deployed off an Australian research station (Davis or Mawson) in the future (once stations will be accessible again for project personnel) and will provide important data to i) understand sea-ice algae seasonal development, ii) validate satellite remote sensing ice-thickness products, and iii) evaluate sea-ice biogeochemical model parameterisations. The novel data are key to better assess and predict climate change impacts on Antarctic coastal ice-covered ecosystems, and contribute to research carried out as part of the Australian Antarctic Program Partnership.

Project Summary of the Season 2020/21

Landfast sea ice (fast ice) is a key feature of the Antarctic coastal zone. It is an indicator and modulator of Antarctic climate processes, and serves as a structuring component of Antarctic marine ecosystems. This multi-disciplinary project is aimed at improving the observational record for Antarctic fast ice physical, chemical and biological properties and processes. By combining over-winter measurements from automated observatories with in-situ sampling during a springtime process study, the project will provide a benchmark dataset of coupled sea ice physical-chemical-biological processes. During the first project year, project personnel participated in New Zealand-led fieldwork and tested deployment methods for novel under-ice sensors. Deployment of these sensors, followed by an intensive sampling campaign off Davis Research Station was planned for the second project year, but deferred by one year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We used the last 12 months to support the New Zealand team in their data analyses and progressed the development of a one-dimensional biogeochemical sea ice model to estimate fast ice algal productivity. We anticipate to be able to deploy the sensor arrays off an Australian research station (Davis or Mawson) and conduct the linked field-work in the near future (once stations will be accessible again for project personnel). The planned observations will provide important baseline data to i) understand the sea-ice algae seasonal development, ii) validate satellite remote sensing ice-thickness products, and iii) evaluate the biogeochemical sea ice model. These novel data are key to better assess and predict climate change impacts on coastal Antarctic sea-ice covered ecosystems, and contribute to research carried out as part of the Australian Antarctic Program Partnership.

Project Summary of the Season 2021/22

Landfast sea ice is a key feature of the East Antarctic coastal zone. It is a sensitive indicator and modulator of Antarctic climate processes, and serves as a structuring component of Antarctic marine ecosystems. This multi-disciplinary project is aimed at collecting benchmark observations of physical, chemical and biological sea-ice properties and processes to improve and validate sea-ice biogeochemical models. Due to the COVID pandemic the project team has been unable to conduct planned fieldwork in East Antarctica, but has prepared for potential fieldwork in the upcoming 2022/23 season. The numerical project component, i.e., tuning a biogeochemical sea-ice model to estimate fast-ice algae primary production, has been progressed well. Upon completion, the project promises significantly improved understanding of the role of fast-ice physical processes in determining the onset and dynamics of the spring ice-algae bloom.

Project Summary of the Season 2022/23

Landfast sea ice is a key feature of the East Antarctic coastal zone. It is a sensitive indicator and modulator of Antarctic climate processes, and serves as a structuring component of Antarctic marine ecosystems. This multi-disciplinary project is aimed at collecting benchmark observations of physical, chemical and biological sea-ice properties and processes to improve and validate sea-ice biogeochemical models. Due to the pandemic and logistical constraints the project team has been unable to conduct planned field work in East Antarctica but has prepared for potential field work in the upcoming 2023/24 season. The numerical project component, i.e., tuning a biogeochemical sea-ice model to estimate fast-ice algae primary production has been completed. The project team has also contributed to an international effort to compile and analyse existing landfast sea ice biogeochemical data. By combining results from these efforts with new field-data, the project promises significantly improved understanding of physical and chemical drivers of the temporal development and spatial distribution of Antarctic landfast ice algal communities.

Category 1: Peer-reviewed literature

Deprat L., Townsend A.T., van der Merwe P., Meiners K.M., Lannuzel D. (2021) Spatial and seasonal distribution of dissolved and particulate bioactive metals in Antarctic sea ice, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene .; [Ref: 16516]

Steiner N.S., Bowman J., Campbell K., Chierici M., Meiners K.M. (2021) Climate change impacts on sea-ice ecosystems and associated ecosystem services, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene .; [Ref: 16517]

Corkill M., Moreau S., Janssens J., Fraser A.D., Heil P. (2023) Physical and Biogeochemical Properties of Rotten East Antarctic Summer Sea Ice, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans .; [Ref: 16708]

Fraser A.D., Wongpan P., Langhorne P.J., Klekociuk A.R., Kusahara K., Lannuzel D., Massom R.A., Meiners K.M., Swadling K.M., Atwater D.P. (2023) Antarctic Landfast Sea Ice: A Review of Its Physics, Biogeochemistry and Ecology, Reviews of Geophysics .; [Ref: 16882]

Henley S.F., Cozzi S., Fripiat F., Lannuzel D., Nomura D., Thomas D.N., Meiners K.M., Vancoppenolle M., Arrigo K., Stefels J., van Leeuwe M., Moreau S., Jones E.M., Fransson A., Chierici M., Delille B. (2023) Macronutrient biogeochemistry in Antarctic land-fast sea ice: Insights from a circumpolar data compilation, Marine Chemistry 257. 104324; [Ref: 16891]