

Chief Investigator

DEHAIRS, Dr Frank - Vrije Universiteit Brussel


Comparative study of the processes controlling carbon export in Southern Ocean environments characterised by a different hydrodynamical and ecological functioning

Project aims

The proposal focuses on the functioning of the biological carbon pump in the Southern Ocean. The objectives are to understand spatio-temporal variability of primary production as a function of phytoplankton composition and available nutrients and to evaluate carbon exportation from the surface ocean and its mineralisation in the ocean's interior.

Category 1: Peer-reviewed literature

Cardinal D., Alleman L.Y., Dehairs F., Savoye N., Trull T., André L. (2005) Relevance of silicon isotopes to Si-nutrient utilization and Si-source assessment in Antarctic waters, Global Biogeochemical Cycles 19. GB2007; [Ref: 12376]

Category 3: Abstract

Alleman L., Cardinal D., Ziegler K., Andre L. (2002) New developments in measuring silicon isotopes by MC-ICP-MS, Goldschmidt Conference, Davos, Switzerland, August 2002 A14; [Ref: 10756]

Savoye N., Dehairs F., Elskens M., Sedwick P., Hutchins D. (2002) Interactions of Iron and Ammonium on N-Uptake in the Southern Ocean South of Australia, Eos Transactions. AGU, 83/(47), Fall Meeting, Suppl., Abstract OS11A-0203 0S 11A-0203; [Ref: 10735]

Andre L., Cardinal D., Dehairs F. (2002) Particulate Ba and U in the Southern Ocean: Links with Exported Carbon and Surface Biogeochemical Processes, Eos Transactions. AGU, 83/(47), Fall Meeting, Suppl., Abstract OS21B-0202 OS21B - 0202; [Ref: 10736]

Category 3: Poster

Cardinal D., Alleman L., Ziegler K., de Jong J., Andre L. (2002) Silicon Isotopic Measurements in Desolvated Samples by MC-ICP-MS, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2002. San Francisco PP51A-0295 0830h; [Ref: 10748]